
Country statistics


Land area: 219,788 sq miles (569,251 sq km)

Total area: 224,961 sq miles (582,650 sq km)

Population (2010 est.): 40,046,566 (growth rate: 2.58%); birth rate: 35.1/1000; infant mortality rate: 53.5/1000; life expectancy: 58.8; density per sq km: 66

Capital City: Nairobi

Monetary unit: Kenya shilling

Languages: English (official), Swahili (national), and numerous indigenous languages

Ethnicity/race: Kikuyu 22%; Luhya 14%; Luo 13%; Kalenjin 12%; Kamba 11%; Kisii 6%; Meru 6%; other African 15%; Asian, European, and Arab 1%

Religions: Protestant 45%, Roman Catholic 33%, indigenous beliefs 10%, Islam 10%, others 2% (note: estimates vary widely)

Country introduction

The culture

Attractions & landmarks