Country statistics
Land area: 226,012 sq miles (585,371 sq km)
Total area: 231,803 sq miles (600,370 sq km)
Population (2012 est.): 2,098,018 (growth rate: 1.48%); birth rate: 22.02/1000; infant mortality rate: 10.49/1000; life expectancy: 55.74; density per sq km: 3
Capital City: Gaborone
Monetary unit: Pula
Languages: English 2% (official), Setswana 78%, Kalanga 8%, Sekgalagadi 3%, other (2001)
Ethnicity/race: Tswana (or Setswana) 79%, Kalanga 11%, Basarwa 3%, other (including Kgalagadi and white) 7%
Religions: Christian 72%, Badimo 6%, none 21% (2001)
Country introduction
The culture
Attractions & landmarks