Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
Country statistics

Land area: 122,780 sq miles (318,000 sq km)
Total area: 124,502 sq miles (322,460 sq km)
Population (2010 est.): 21,058,798 (growth rate: 2.1%); birth rate: 31.4/1000; infant mortality rate: 66.4/1000; life expectancy: 56.2; density per sq km: 57
Capital City: Yamoussoukro
Monetary unit: CFA Franc
Languages: French (official) and African languages (Dioula esp.)
Ethnicity/race: Akan 42.1%, Voltaiques (Gur) 17.6%, Northern Mandes 16.5%, Krous 11%, Southern Mandes 10%, other 2.8% (includes 130,000 Lebanese and 14,000 French) (1998)
Religions: indigenous 25%-40%, Islam 35%-40%, Christian 20%-30% (2001)
Country introduction

The culture

Attractions & landmarks