
Country statistics


Land area: 471,042 sq miles (1,219,999 sq km)

Total area: 478,767 sq miles (1,240,000 sq km)

Population (2010 est.): 13,796,354 (growth rate: 2.6%); birth rate: 46.0/1000; infant mortality rate: 113.6/1000; life expectancy: 52.1; density per sq km: 10

Capital City: Bamako

Monetary unit: CFA Franc

Languages: French (official), Bambara 80%, numerous African languages

Ethnicity/race: Mande 50% (Bambara, Malinke, Sarakole), Peul 17%, Voltaic 12%, Tuareg and Moor 10%, Songhai 6%, other 5%

Religions: Islam 90%, indigenous beliefs 9%, Christian 1%

Country introduction

The culture

Attractions & landmarks