
Country statistics


Land area: 302,737 sq miles (784,089 sq km)

Total area: 309,494 sq miles (801,590 sq km)

Population (2010 est.): 22,061,451 (growth rate: 1.7%); birth rate: 37.8/1000; infant mortality rate: 103.8/1000; life expectancy: 41.3; density per sq km: 27

Capital City: Maputo

Monetary unit: Metical

Languages: Portuguese 9% (official; second language of 27%), Emakhuwa 26%, Xichangana 11%, Elomwe 8%, Cisena 7%, Echuwabo 6%, other Mozambican languages 32% (1997)

Ethnicity/race: indigenous tribal groups 99.66% (Shangaan, Chokwe, Manyika, Sena, Makua, and others), Europeans 0.06%, Euro-Africans 0.2%, Indians 0.08%

Religions: Mozambique 24%, Islam 18%, Zionist Christian 18%, none 23% (1997)

Country introduction

The culture

Attractions & landmarks