
Country statistics


Land area: 149,293 sq miles (386,669 sq km)

Total area: 150,804 sq miles (390,580 sq km)

Population (2010 est.): 11,651,858 (growth rate: 2.9%); birth rate: 31.5/1000; infant mortality rate: 30.9/1000; life expectancy: 47.5; density per sq miles: 82

Capital City: Harare

Monetary unit: Zimbabwean dollar

Languages: English (official), Shona, Ndebele (Sindebele), numerous minor tribal dialects

Ethnicity/race: African 98% (Shona 82%, Ndebele 14%, other 2%), mixed and Asian 1%, white less than 1%

Religions: syncretic (part Christian, part indigenous beliefs) 50%, Christian 25%, indigenous beliefs 24%, Muslim and other 1%

Country introduction

The culture

Attractions & landmarks